Photo credit: QUT WAM-V in operation at AIMS. Photo courtesy of AIMS


TAS Maritime Showcase

The Trusted Autonomous Systems Maritime Showcase will highlight the impact of TAS maritime regulatory initiatives on Australian industry and feature live autonomous and remotely operated vessel demonstrations.

The autonomous maritime industry has been wrestling with the challenge of ‘compliance’ with COLREGs (collision avoidance requirements) for years, in terms of understanding both how it applies, and how to demonstrate compliance. Through funding from the Queensland Government, Trusted Autonomous Systems partnered with Frazer-Nash Consultancy to create the COLREGs Operator Guidance Framework. The framework translates the stated and unstated capabilities described, and the terminology used, in COLREGs into a vocabulary and format that makes sense for autonomous and remotely operated vessels.

The Maritime Project Showcase aims to demonstrate how COLREGs assurance can be conducted via simulation and live trials, together with showcasing Australian industry and providing an opportunity to connect members of the Australian autonomous systems ecosystem.

Attendees will see a range of autonomous systems in action, together with static displays showing leading autonomous systems technology.


TAS Maritime Showcase

0830 – 1200 at ReefWorks, AIMS. Details TBA.

Optional: Autonomous Vessel Forum 2022

Further details available on the event webpage here. Please note: Registration fees apply.

More information

Trusted Autonomous Systems (TAS) is working to support the growing Australian autonomous systems ecosystem by identifying and addressing key hurdles in the assurance and accreditation frameworks for autonomous systems and connecting stakeholders to broaden understanding of issues and effect meaningful change.

The TAS Assurance Activity provides expertise to regulators, government, and Defence and builds bespoke assurance and accreditation approaches for the Australian operational context to enable the integration of autonomous systems.

This Activity represents a unique collaborative endeavour to better equip Australian industry and regulators to accelerate innovation in a way that meets a clear and coherent regulatory framework, and enhances safety and efficiency.

Outcomes of include the Australian Code of Practice for the Design, Construction, Survey and Operation of Autonomous and Remotely Operated Vessels, Edition 1 (2022) and TAS Assurance of Autonomy output:  COLREGs Operator Guidance Framework (2022).

Trusted Autonomous Systems is supporting Defence and industry to:

  • Deliver world-leading trusted autonomous and robotic Defence technologies
  • Build innovative IP through targeted research and technology programs
  • Assist Australian industry to develop new, improved and competitive autonomy technologies
  • Evaluate the utility of autonomous systems through capability demonstrations.

Trusted Autonomous Systems is funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF) and Queensland Government through Advance Queensland. Find out more about TAS here.