A Method for Ethical AI in Defence
Below you will find animations and videos on:
- Introduction to the Ethics of Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Defence (Transcripts available)
- Pragmatic Tools for Considering and Managing Ethical Risks in AI for Defence (Transcripts available)
- Five facets of a Method for Ethical AI in Defence: Responsibility, Governance, Trust, Law, and Traceability (Transcripts available)
These videos were produced by Trusted Autonomous Systems for the Centre for Defence Leadership & Ethics (CDLE) Australian Defence College (ADC). The framework that informs these videos is represented in the Defence Science & Technology Group (DSTG) Technical Report DSTG-TR-3786 ‘A Method for Ethical AI in Defence’.
Background information
A Method in Ethical AI in Defence stems from a workshop that was held in Canberra from 30 July to 1 August 2019 with 104 people from 45 organisations in attendance, including representatives from Defence, other Australian government agencies, Trusted Autonomous Systems (TAS), civil society, universities, and Defence industry. The workshop elicited evidence-based hypotheses regarding ethical AI from a diverse range of perspectives and contexts and produce pragmatic methods to manage ethical risks on AI projects in Defence.
Discussion at the workshop produced five facets for ethical AI in Defence:
- Responsibility – who is responsible for AI?
- Governance – how is AI controlled?
- Trust – how can AI be trusted?
- Law – how can AI be used lawfully?
- Traceability – How are the actions of AI recorded?
A further outcome of the workshop was the development of a practical methodology that could support AI project managers and teams to manage ethical risks. This methodology includes three tools: an Ethical AI for Defence Checklist, Ethical AI Risk Matrix and a Legal and Ethical Assurance Program Plan (LEAPP).
While the method does not represent the views of the Australian Government, it provides an evidence-based collaborative framework relevant to Australian Defence contexts of use and ethical and legal considerations aligned with international best practice.
These 10 videos (5 x animations + 5 x explorations) provide both an overview and an in depth exploration of A Method for Ethical AI in Defence and can be used within professional military education (PME) and by external stakeholders of Defence, including academia.
Introduction to ethics for RASAI
Introduction to the Ethics of RASAI in Defence
Pragmatic Tools for Considering and Managing Ethical Risks in AI for Defence
Five facets of a Method for Ethical AI in Defence
Responsibility videos
Governance videos
Trust videos
Law videos
Traceability videos
How to cite the videos
Producer Tara Roberson (Trusted Autonomous Systems)
Creative Director Kate Devitt (Trusted Autonomous Systems)
Publisher Trusted Autonomous Systems
Production Company Explanimate
Sponsor Centre for Defence Leadership & Ethics, Australian Defence College
With thanks to all interviewees who appeared in the videos: Stephen Bornstein, Damian Copeland, Kate Devitt, Michael Gan, Chris Hall, Sean Hamilton, Lachlan Jones, Rebecca Marlow, Tanya Monro AC, Mick Ryan AM, Lauren Sanders, Jason Scholz & Dominic Tracey.
Cite as: Roberson, T. & Devitt, S.K. (2022). Ethics of Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence Videos for Defence. [14 Videos] Trusted Autonomous Systems. https://tasdcrc.com.au/ethical-ai-defence-videos/