TAS researchers contribute to new publication – Autonomous Cyber Capabilities under International Law
Trusted Autonomous Systems are proud to promote the work of our Ethics and Law of Autonomous Systems researchers in the publication of ‘Autonomous Cyber Capabilities under International Law’.
The Activities Legal lead, Professor Rain Liivoja (University of Queensland – Law and the Future of War) is a co-editor, and it features contributions from Activity researchers Dr Tim McFarland (University of Queensland – Law and the Future of War) and Mr Damian Copeland (IWR) co-authoring with Mr Julian Tattersall.
in addition to many other respected contributors. The book was launched at a recent NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) event with the co-editor Ms Ann Väljataga, a Law Researcher at NATO CCDCOE.
The publication explores the international law aspects associated with autonomous cyber capabilities and their potential impact to develop a deeper understanding of their implications. The volume is an expansion of a 2019 research paper.
The publication is available here.
Congratulations to Rain and the Team!