Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial – Endurance Trials Video
Additional video of MIC (WIN) Branch, TAS Project, the Austal-led, Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial – Endurance Trials Video
Additional video of MIC (WIN) Branch, TAS Project, the Austal-led, Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial – Endurance Trials Video
Austal Media Release (Excerpt) – In a noteworthy development within the Australian maritime sector, the collaborative Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial (PBAT) project has successfully completed Sea Acceptance Trials (including Endurance Trials) of the remote and autonomously operated vessel, Sentinel.
The trials, conducted by Austal Australia, consisted of a series of remote and autonomous navigation events conducted off the Western Australian coastline during March and April 2024; utilising Greenroom Robotics’ Advanced Maritime Autonomy (GAMA) software to reliably navigate the de-commissioned Armidale-class Patrol Boat. Throughout the trials, a limited number of project team members, observers and a crew from International Maritime Services (IMS) were on board, ensuring a swift response in case of any unforeseen deviations or necessary manual interventions.
Funded by the Commonwealth of Australia, PBAT is a collaboration between Austal Australia, Greenroom Robotics, Trusted Autonomous Systems and the Royal Australian Navy Warfare Innovation Navy (WIN) Branch to establish robotic, automated and autonomous elements on a former Navy patrol boat to provide a proof-of-concept demonstrator, for optionally crewed or autonomous operations. The trial has also explored the legal, regulatory pathways and requirements of operating an autonomous vessel.
Austal – Full Media Release
Patrol Boat Autonomy Trial – Video YouTube
Article in SLD Info: The Future is Now for the ADF: Shaping Space for Maritime Autonomous Systems
Special Report: Helping the drone war balance autonomy and in-flight ethics.
Special Report: Navy explores autonomy and optional crewing.
TAS held our fourth Symposium 27 March in Brisbane with engagement and participation with a range of interesting speakers and networking among diverse attendees. We were joined on video message (sitting-week) by Minister Hon. Pat Conroy, whose portfolio includes Defence Industry, in-person by Queensland Minister, Hon. Leanne Linard MP whose portfolio includes Science & Industry. This is demonstrative of the ongoing support TAS have received from the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), Defence Australia services (Navy, Army and Air Force) and Queensland Department of State Development and Infrastructure (via Defence Jobs Queensland) and Department of Environment, Science and Innovation ( via Advance Queensland).
Thanks to all presenters and attendees for their contributions and support to TAS over time and we look forward to future opportunities for engagement in supporting Defence, defence industry and research collaboration.
Do you use any TAS regulatory resources or tools? Click here to access our new survey, and tell us how they’ve helped, or what would make them better.
Over the past four years, Trusted Autonomous Systems (TAS) has worked with government, Defence, industry and academic stakeholders to develop ‘public good’ regulatory resources. These are intended to help people involved in designing, testing and using autonomous systems better understand and navigate regulatory frameworks.
These include the RAS-Gateway and Australian Code of Practice for the Design, Construction, Survey and Operation of Autonomous and Remotely Operated Vessels – developed in partnership with the Queensland Government through its Assurance of Autonomy (A2) initiative.
So that we can make sure these resources remain relevant and available into the future, TAS is conducting a survey on how and why people access the RAS-Gateway and Australian Code of Practice.
Do you have 10 minutes to complete the survey? It is available here until 8 April 2024. If you can, please share the survey with your colleagues and networks too.
We’ll keep you updated on the results and next steps.
Need more information?
You can view the RAS-Gateway and Australian Code of Practice by visiting
You can also get more information on the survey, or any of TAS’ resources by contacting
US Marines to experiment with Athena AI, an outcome from TAS NGTF and Queensland Government co-funded research.
News on TAS project led by BAE Systems, TAGVIEW – Laying the groundwork for a next generation trusted autonomous capability.